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What are our aims at Parkside for pupils with SEND?

We aim to ensure that:

  • Students with learning difficulties are able to access their entitlement to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum as part of the whole school community
  • Students with SEND are educated, wherever possible, in an inclusive environment alongside their peers to enable each student to reach his or her full potential
  • We match levels of additional support for learning to the wide variety of individual learning difficulties, while enhancing self-esteem
  • We identify and assess students with SEND as early and as thoroughly as possible using the revised Code of Practice (2015)
  • Parents/carers and students are fully involved in the identification and assessment of SEND, and we strive for close co-operation between all agencies concerned, using a multi-disciplinary approach
  • We meet the needs of all students with SEND by offering appropriate and flexible forms of educational provision and by the most efficient use of all available resources
  • We maintain up to date knowledge of current SEND good practice and methodology in order to offer support and training in these areas to all staff in the school.