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Personal, Social, Health, Economics (PSHE) Education


This area of the curriculum deals with health education, including diet, exercise, rest, life-style, self-image, relationships, keeping safe, dealing with bullying and personal, social and emotional development. This also incorporates relationships education as part of the national curriculum and is taught age appropriately throughout the school. Sex education is taught in year 5 and 6.


Through PSHE, children also learn about citizenship and their place in society, their growing responsibility as citizens and as members of the global community, and their developing understanding of systems such as democracy. The children also learn about money and how to use it effectively. Economic wellbeing is discussed and future careers for the children. An activity called ‘Circle Time’ is often used to explore moral and emotional issues.  School assemblies reinforce the teaching of many of the themes covered in PSHE.


The school has a School Council through which the children learn about citizenship issues. Many aspects of PSHE are taught in an integrated way through other subjects, and through daily school routines, while some units are planned for separately.

Parkside's PSHE Curriculum

Parkside's PSHE policy

Parkside's RSHE Policy
