Our caring and dedicated staff take pride in helping all children to develop and learn in a safe and stimulating environment.
Children attend Parkside Nursery for 15 hours per week, either for five morning sessions or five afternoon sessions. Morning Nursery sessions run from 8.40 am to 11.40 am, and afternoon sessions from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm.
We encourage Nursery children to wear Parkside school uniform. However, please ensure that your child is able to adjust their own clothing when going to the toilet - jogging bottoms may be easier than school trousers with zips and buttons. Your child will need a waterproof coat and a complete change of clothes with them every day. Jewellery is not permitted other than simple stud earrings.
We have snack time every day. The school provides us with fruit which we have on the carpet with our teachers and friends. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle at school every day. They can have a sip of water anytime during the session. We encourage children to drink lots of water.
We celebrate birthdays by lighting candles on our special cake and singing happy birthday to the children. Please do not send any cakes or sweeties to the Nursery. You can give treats out at the end of the session in the area just outside the gate.