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How are children with SEND supported at Parkside?

  • All children at Parkside are offered excellent targeted classroom teaching (Quality First Teaching)

  • Some children may benefit from small group work with more specific targets which may take place inside or outside the classroom. Children with social and emotional needs may be offered additional 1:1 befriending support or friendship groups/access to the nurture provision during lunch times or playtimes. For children on the school’s Inclusion Register, groups often follow the advice of outside professionals such as the Speech and Language Therapist, the Educational Psychologist or the Occupational Therapist. Progress of these children is reviewed half-termly or termly and next steps are planned accordingly. At this level a child may be described as receiving SEN Support.

  • A few children will follow specialist programmes of teaching devised with the help of outside professionals. These children usually will have undergone statutory assessment and have an Education , Health and Care Plan

  • Effectiveness of SEN provision is monitored and evaluated by teachers and the Senior Leadership Team (including the SENDCo) termly at pupil progress meetings
