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School Hours








08.50 – 12.00

08.45 – 12.00

12.00 – 13.05

12.30 – 13.35

13.05 – 15.20

13.35 – 15.15

Nursery08.40 – 11.40 12.30 – 15.30


School Office Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00am - 16:45pm



Monday - Friday

Morning Session 8:40am - 11:40am

Afternoon Session 12:30pm - 15:30pm

Total session time: 15 hours per week


Reception and KS1

Monday - Friday

8:50am - 15:20pm

Total time per week: 32.5 hours per week



Monday - Friday

8:45am - 15:15pm

Total time per week: 32.5 hours per week


Breakfast Club

Monday - Friday - Starts at 7:45am


After School Club 

Monday - Friday - Finishes at 18:00pm 


The bell is rung at 8.45 am for Key stage 2 children and 8.50am for Reception and Key Stage 1 children. They line up before being taken straight to class by their teachers to begin the learning day immediately. In order to encourage some independence and not to compromise security parents are asked not come into school with their child.


A teacher is on duty in the playground daily from 8.40 am in the KS2 playground and 8.45am in the KS1and reception playgrounds.  Children should not be arriving before that time.


There is a morning playtime of 15 minutes for all children and a break of 15 minutes in the afternoon for the KS1. There is an assembly every day. This includes an act of collective worship and teaching on personal, social, moral and religious education, reflecting the community and the ethos of the school. 


It is essential that children arrive on time as late arrival is unsettling, disruptive and reduces learning time.  Our Attendance Officer closely monitors attendance and punctuality. 


If you are delayed, please telephone before the end of the day and let us know so that we can reassure your child.
