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Darrell Wakelam is from the West Midlands. He originally trained as an illustrator but over time his work has become more 3D and he now uses simple techniques and cheap, everyday materials (mainly scrap cardboard and paper) to make sculptures. Darrell has created many different pieces of art ranging from buildings, masks and animals using these materials. As Darrell uses lots of recycled materials, his work is sustainable, accessible and achievable for all. Mrs Millan and Mrs Ooi hope that the children will be inspired by his work and realise that they can create art from the simplest materials! 

Children will be given a list of Spellings every Monday which need to be learnt for the following Monday.

Reading is also very important. We encourage children to read with an adult as often as possible. Please sign the reading record when you read with your child/children.


Please see the home procedures for your children's year group. 

We have an exciting bus library with many interesting books. Children will visit once a week and will be encouraged to borrow books.
Physical Education takes place twice a week. It is very important that PE kits are kept in school at all times. Please mark each item clearly – that includes plimsolls, as it can quite difficult for your child to find them when they are all changing at once.
More information about what your child is learning in school can be found on the curriculum map 
