www.advicewalthamforest.org.uk/advice/faqs/sendiass/Further information is available in the school’s SEN policy
In the first instance the best contact is with the class teacher; after that the Year Group Managers and SENDCo.
The school office number is 020 8559 4278. The school email address is school@parkside.waltham.sch.uk The SENDCo email is senco@parkside.waltham.sch.uk
London Borough of Waltham Forest: Local Offer http://walthamforest.childrensservicedirectory.org.uk/kb5/walthamforest/fsd/localoffer.page
London Borough of Waltham Forest SEND Service: Wood Street Health Centre, 6 Linford Road E17 3LA 0208 496 6503
Waltham Forest Special Educational Needs Information Advice and Support Service (WF SENDIASS): 020 3230251